Britain: Euthanasia Bill Approved

In favor of the euthanasia bill in cases of terminal patients, British lawmakers voted.

The bill passed by 330 votes in favour and 275 against. The bill, among other things, provides that adults who have been diagnosed with less than six months of life and have the brakes in their right to end their lives with medical help. The basic condition will be the relevant opinion from two independent doctors and the consent of a Supreme Court judge who will sign the deathly dose of drugs. It is also predicted that if a person exerts pressure on a person to ask for assisted death, he is in danger with a sentence of imprisonment up to 14 years. This is the second reading of the bill, and there are other stages to pass before it becomes law.

His supporters, led by Labour MP Kim Lindbeater, argue that this bill provides for the most stringent safeguards in the world by putting an end to the worst case scenario for man, that of horrible death. Supporters of the bill’s vote, including Liberal Democrats leader Sir Ed Davy, are concerned that some will feel pressured to be a “weight” for their family and society and will seek their euthanasia. All MPs, even the ruling Labour Party, will vote at will, as no party discipline has been raised. It is worth noting that even the British Prime Minister has not decided whether to vote in favour or against. “Many will depend on the details” of the new law, said Sir Kir Starmer adding that “we must achieve the right balance. But I always argued that there should be appropriate guarantees.” In 2015 a similar bill had come to the British parliament. He was then voted against by 330 votes while only 118 MPs had voted for him, including the current Prime Minister of the country who at the time was a simple Labour MP. Former Prime Minister David Cameron. RES/RRR
